The EA trades on 2 pairs with a positive correlation. On one, he trades only for buying, on the second only for selling. If the position goes to a loss, the adviser begins to resolve it by opening deals much smaller in volume than the original one and biting off small pieces on price rollbacks. The opposite trade, which is in the black, will not be closed until the unprofitable one is resolved or until they reach the specified profit in total.
Clearing (averaging) trades are opened using a virtual trawl at a distance of LevelAverag from the current price and no closer than Step from the previous open position.
The Expert Advisor version 1.66 can be used to resolve the frozen positions of the Bancomat Expert Advisor version 4.0! Read more in the Bancomat group
In version 1.66, I added a lock when installing the X averaging and now it passes even the most difficult sections of the past years with a minimum drawdown!
Step = 50; – minimum step between orders
ProfitClose = 1.00; – profit in the currency at which we bite off the averaging
SumProfitClose = 10.00; – profit in the currency at which we close everything
LevelAverag = 300; – distance to the clearing order in points
LotRUL = 0.01;/ / first lot of the clearing (averaging) order
K_Lot = 2.5;/ / increase coefficient of the averaging order
Max_Lot = 100.0;
StartLot = 0.05; – auto
trade lot time filter
TimeStart = 0,
TimeEnd = 24;
OpenDeltaPercent = 80; – percentage of the maximum Delta at which the first positions are opened
MagicPlus = 0; – addition to the calculated magic
scale = 1.2 ;- size of the information window
Font_Size = 10; – font size
StopLossDelta = false-closing positions with reverse Delta
Volume_adjustment = false – adjustment of volume
CAP = false; //close accumulated profit ( CAP) – close part of the market at the expense of accumulated profit
LossPercentCAP = 10 – the percentage at which the CAP is enabled